November has always felt special to me, because I was born in this month (my birthday is at the end of this week!) The part of me that's a forever-child always perks up at the mention of November, and you'll never be able to convince me that it isn't somehow a little bit superior to all other months, because I've spent my entire life associating November with my entry into the world.
So, to commemorate the special-ness of November, I'm offering discounts on subscriptions to this newsletter!
Click on the links below to access the discount of your choice:
These discounts will run until midnight on 1 December 2023.
Wait, there's more!
As you know, I've been the managing editor of the quarterly Asia-focused literary magazine Mekong Review for the past year. We're also running discounts there for the end of the year! From now until the end of the year you can use the promo code ENDOFYEAR2023 to get 20% off a subscription to the magazine (either digital only, or print + digital).

Mekong Review is a tiny outfit that survives on subscriptions, so we'd really appreciate everyone helping us spread the word. And here's one more bonus: if you send a screenshot of your receipt for a new Mekong Review subscription to newsletter@mekongreview.com, I'll send you a separate discount code that gives you 50% off the first year of an annual Milo Peng subscription to We, The Citizens, to say thank you for supporting not just independent writing on Singapore, but also writing on Asia.
Thank you so much for all the support and faith you have in my work! 🥹 🫶🏼
— Kirsten